Images 007



1 After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the use of wigs fell into disuse in the West for a thousand years.

2 During the 18th century, men's wigs became smaller and more formal with several professions adopting them as part of their official costumes.

3 The wearing of wigs as a symbol of social status was largely abandoned in the newly created United States and France by the start of the 19th century.

Chapter (7)
~ A Wig’s Reflection

Us walks down the carpeted hall feeling the socks press fibers to fibers. Us has a slight headache from spending all that time ______. Through the far window Us sees the freight train still pinging and thumping along the track. It has been going by for over a minute. During these moments when alone in the house many feelings and thoughts pass through Us — slight nostalgia, familiar vague stresses, little plans for gratifying little desires.

Walking past the bedroom Us jumps in surprise. In the closet mirror Us has mistaken a reflection of one of the wigs for a stranger sitting on the bed. The feeling of panic is gone almost as fast as it arrived but a more subtle feeling of general gruesomeness sets in.

Us goes down to the kitchen and pours a glass of water. Us walks out to the driveway and sits in the ratty chair and looks down at the belly protruding from the bathrobe. Two morning doves are weaving and pecking nervously about 3 yards away. The train has now completely stopped; four cars are visible between the garage and the patch of trees.